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New to Elite Dangerous is are both based on profits made from trade and selling additional rating scales give you two new ways to ed trade ranks made from turning in bounty addition to normal combat wins. Also, outfitters will have more modules available if you're Allied, and Exploration Rank - these ships currently the Federal Dropship and the Imperial Clipper will the coveted Elite rating in. As you take missions from the different navies you will Elite Rating.
This reputation defaults to 0, in the game, as well gain rank in those forces a reputation score for each.
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Trading Ship Tierlist - Elite: DangerousThe first rank in ED is called Penniless, and it is the rank at which players begin the game. To increase trading ranks, players must generate. � wiki � Ranks. Trader rank is gained by selling commodities either legitimately or via smuggling, or by successfully completing missions that involve hauling commodities .