Shrimpy crypto

shrimpy crypto

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The team can also be past five years of data Cryptohopper for users looking for on your behalf at the. Currently Shrimpy supports 16 crypto.

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How to Setup Shrimpy Crypto Trading Bot Tutorial!
Shrimpy is a powerful crypto trading bot focused on automated portfolio management, social trading and long-term portfolio growth. Shrimpy promises to automate your crypto portfolio management, but does it work? In our Shrimpy review, you'll learn if Shrimpy is worth it. Shrimpy is the most trusted way to trade on crypto exchanges. APIs for exchange management, trade execution, and real-time data collection. Acquired by.
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The bot facilitates API key-based access to various cryptocurrency trading platforms, market data feeds, and exchanges. More active users will want to use one of the paid plans. Important Notice: In August , Shrimpy announced that they would go out of business citing low volume and waning users. Shrimpy has processed over million trades for our customers. It supports multiple crypto exchanges and allows real-time performance tracking of your investments held across all exchanges and even offline wallets.